Your guide to choosing the suitable dishwasher
Do you get confused and bewildered because there are too many dishwashers out there in the market to choose from?

Do you get confused and bewildered because there are too many dishwashers out there in the market to choose from? saves your time and effort of going to stores through this inclusive guide that helps you choose the suitable dishwasher for your home.
Whatever was the type or size of the dishwasher, one thing for sure it saved a lot of effort and time to a housewife, will introduce you to the different types of dishwashers, and most important tips to help you choose one through this article.
Nowadays, it became difficult to decide what dishwasher to buy because of the many brands and types in the market. Here at we’ll make this decision much easier after introducing you to dishwashers’ various types and models, and some guiding tips to bear in mind when buying a dishwasher.
Although Dishwashers were first manufactured in the early 20th century, they became popular in Europe and America in the late 70’s, only then companies started to innovate in this industry, from sliding door dishwashers to steam dishwashers and other types.
Owning a dishwasher in the house became essential in the 2nd decade of the 21st century, especially in large houses or large families. A lot of people avoid buying them because of their high prices and thinking they withdraw a lot of water and electricity. However, we can’t say this thought is accurate, as there are some dishwashers in the market being sold for 200 U.S Dollars, and according to many recent studies from the largest institutes of studies and research most dishwashers nowadays use much less water than a housewife uses in hand-wash dishes. Regarding electricity withdrawal, like other electric appliances in their recent versions, dishwashers are withdrawing less electricity as companies are working extensively to innovate new techniques to withdraw less and less electricity.
So, it’s not fearful to own a dishwasher anymore. Even the space problem is not completely true, some people think dishwashers are large appliances that need large spaces in the kitchen, on the contrary, they differ in size and dimensions, some are small to upload as a countertop dishwasher and some are big enough to fit in a cabinet just like other kitchen appliances.
First, before introduces you to dishwashers’ types and models, we will be reviewing all the important features to bear in mind before buying one, specifically dishwashers’ capacity, dimensions and washing programs, while the last part of this article will review quick tips and things to take into consideration before buying a dishwasher.
Dishwashers’ capacity
Before choosing the type of the dishwasher you want to buy, you must determine its capacity.
Dishwashers’ capacity is measured by the number of place settings for dishes, cups, spoons, kitchen pots and utensils we can fit in a single load, referred to as “a set of dishes “, each set of dishes contains kitchen tools for a grown single person, from a large dish and a small plate to a cup or glass and spoons.
Dishwashers’ capacity ranges from 4 sets of dishes for small dishwashers, up to 15 sets for large dishwashers, determine the capacity based on the number of individuals in your family plus one, keeping in mind that small dishwashers “Countertops” do not have place settings for utensils and pans but are convenient for university students or someone living alone.
Other popular dishwashers around the world have a capacity starting from 12 sets of dishes to 15 sets.
A 12-set dishwasher fits 120 pieces of dishes, cups and others, and a 15-set dishwasher fits 150 pieces, thus each set is 10 pieces.
There are 2 models of large dishwashers (in terms of dimensions), the first one has dimensions of 85x60x60 cm, and differs in capacity, from 12 to 15 sets, the second one’s dimensions are 45x60x85 cm that fits for 90 to 100 pieces, in other words for 8 to 10 sets, note that the latter is not available in all markets and is desired mostly by people with kitchen space problems.
Small dishwashers, that can be placed on the top of the evacuee table have a capacity between 4 to 6 sets, thus fit for 40 to 60 pieces.
After selecting the capacity, you need and before introducing dishwashers’ programs, we will be reviewing most popular dishwashers regardless of their brands, from the American to the Japanese, South Korean and European ones, as they are all limited to certain types or models, and each model is available in different sizes and capacities. For now, let’s review dishwashers’ different types and the specifications of each one.
Choose the most suitable dishwasher type among these types:
Portable and built in dishwashers
A portable or built in dishwasher is a large dishwasher, with 2 internal shelves for dishes, spoons and cups. It can be placed somewhere in the kitchen other than inside a cabinet, but it’s important to have them placed close to their pipes.
This type of dishwashers has one door that opens from top to bottom. Most brands produce these types with 2 shelves (2 inside drawers), mostly the bottom shelf for bigger dishes and pots, where the top shelf for smaller dishes with spoons and cups place settings.
Capacity is what varies within dishwashers of this type, most available ones in the Arabian markets have capacities of 12 or 13 sets of dishes, mostly with 3 washing programs, or six programs, some have 2 or 3 internal water sprays. These varying specifications make the difference in price for this type of dishwashers.
A dishwasher that fits for 12 sets of dishes means that it fits for 12 individuals’ tools, including the dish or plate, cup, spoon, etc…
Most popular dishwashers of this type have dimensions of 60x60 cm, and 85 cm depth when closed, 124.5 when the door is open, but always remember to measure dimensions of the space you have and the dishwasher’s before buying one, whether it was placed in a cabinet or anywhere else.
Less common dishwashers’ dimensions have less width of 45x60x85 cm.
Some portable or built-in dishwashers have visible control panel, others have inside hidden control panel. Most of them are available in silver color, white color or stainless steel, some brands have black color. Some of them are stainless steel from the inside, others are plastic, however, the former is more efficient in drying dishes.
Programs usually are: Normal program, smart wash program, pans program, light wash program, 1 hour wash program.
Main dishwasher for this type are: Portable Dishwasher and Built-in Dishwashers.
Variations among these are where the dishwasher is placed and the method which by the water is delivered to the dishwasher. Portable dishwashers should not necessarily be placed close to the wall pipes, it can also be placed anywhere near the tap. However, built in dishwashers must be placed near the wall to be connected to their pipes, and are placed in a kitchen cabinet.
These types of dishwashers are suitable for large and average size families, and new versions of them consume less water and electricity. Portable dishwashers are easy to move if you changed houses, unlike the built-in ones which are harder to move, so if you are in a rent flat you probably want to own a portable dishwasher.
Drawer dishwashers
This type follows the built-in dishwashers, so are placed in a kitchen cabinet, they are not portable. Most brands produce them with 2 drawers, but some have 1 drawer only.
In other words, in this type of dishwashers the door is replaced with drawers, but it’s not that common in the Arab world.
This type performs like portable built in dishwashers, even in the specifications, whereas the difference is the drawers. This type is preferred by the elderlies, as they find it easier to slide a drawer than to open a door. Moreover, some families find this type safer, especially if kids are around.
Like built in dishwashers, this type is considered to save space in the kitchen, as it’s placed elegantly in a cabinet, and doesn’t affect kitchen’s interior design.
Countertop Dishwashers
This type is available in a small range, small in size, can be placed on the countertop beside the sink, and very convenient for university students or a person living alone. It comes only portable, no built-in dishwashers of this type.
This type opens by a door from top to bottom too, but has only one shelf inside.
This type can be easily connected to the tap, a drainage pipe can be connected to it too, so you don’t have to worry about the line supplying the dishwasher with water or draining water from it.
When the dishwasher is done cleaning, you only have to detach the pipe from the tap.
Dishwasher programs
There are many programs for the dishwasher, and they distinguish one dishwasher from another, some have 3 programs, and others have 6 to 7 programs. Number of programs affects the price, that is the more programs the more the price is.
Dishwasher programs vary between normal program, smart program, pan program, light program, 1 hour wash program, simple program, etc. Check them well and choose what is suitable for you.
Labeb’s advices, before you head to the store
Before advising you about the main things to bear in mind prior to heading to the store, you must know that it’s important to rinse the dishes with water first, then place it in the dishwasher.
Moreover, you should know the number of people the dishwasher will serve in order to determine its capacity, 4 or 8 or 12 sets of dishes or individuals, note that dishwashers’ standard capacity is 15 sets of dishes.
After deciding the type of dishwasher and its capacity, advises you to take these points into consideration:
- Dishwasher’s shelves are better be adjustable from the inside, to fit more dishes with different sizes, as dishes and cooking pots have different sizes, this also increases the efficiency of cleaning.
- Pay good attention to the programs of the dishwasher, be careful to choose what suits you.
- For more efficiency in cleaning, choose a dishwasher that works in primary cleaning program and steam sterilization technique.
- Don’t forget to make sure the dishwasher is energy efficient; this will be written on the eternal cover box.
- Measure your house and kitchen doors’ dimensions to make sure it’s easy to pass the dishwasher through them.
- Make sure the dishwasher has 2 internal shelves, except for countertop dishwashers. Note that some dishwashers come with 3 shelves however they are not that common.
- Be sure the number of water sprays is the number you need, but don’t pay too much attention to their number if your budget is limited, as water sprays increase the price of the dishwasher.
By this, answered your questions about dishwashers, what matters is to choose a suitable dishwasher for you among the ones in market, based on your budget.
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