Warehouse for rent in Dammam Khalidiyah North, 630 m²
Warehouse for rent in Dammam Khalidiyah North, 630 m²
Warehouse for rent in Dammam Khalidiyah North, 630 m²
Warehouse for rent in Dammam Khalidiyah North, 630 m²
Warehouse for rent in Dammam Khalidiyah North, 630 m²
Warehouse for rent in Dammam Khalidiyah North, 630 m² Warehouse for rent in Dammam Khalidiyah North, 630 m² Warehouse for rent in Dammam Khalidiyah North, 630 m² Warehouse for rent in Dammam Khalidiyah North, 630 m² Warehouse for rent in Dammam Khalidiyah North, 630 m²
81,900 SAR
Product In one shop
  • Property Type: Warehouse
  • Area in square meter: 630 SqM
  • Advertiser: Agent
  • Address: Al Khalidiyah North
  • Area: Dammam
  • Goods and Equipment: Completely Empty

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